Periodicals arrangement (Simone Schroder) Birdie MacLennan 08 Apr 1994 17:47 UTC

From:        Simone I. Schroder  <>
Date:        8 Apr 94 10:04:06 GMT-6
Subject:     Re: Periodicals arrangement

To add briefly to this, we are a small, academic library, and we do
the same, and it works.  If shelvers can't figure out where one goes,
we tell them to consult the periodical holdings list--viola!

Simone Schroder                 Voice: 501 524 7202
John Brown University           FAX:   501 524 9548
Siloam Springs  AR  72761
In reply to Judy Falzon:
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 94 14:29:00 PDT
From: Smith, Susan <>
Subject: RE: Periodicals arrangement

Hi Judy,

Ours is a special library, supporting forest products research.  I have
arranged the journals by alphabetical order, based on the way our
computerized system prints out our holdings list.  It treats initialisms and
acronyms (TAPPI, PC WORLD) as words, so we shelve them that way.  I haven't
checked our method against the AACR2 rules, but it is consistent with our
printed lists, so makes finding the information easy, which is what we're
all about!

Susan Smith