Re: Title change info.: Man to Jrnl of the Royal Anthro... Helen Cahill 07 Mar 1995 21:36 UTC

>    I'm looking for information about a title change from Man, to
>Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (incorporating Man).
>I'd appreciate any assistance which will help me get a record into
>our NOTIS system.

I'd like to have a crack at this one! We haven't got complete holdings, so
some of the information is guesswork indicated by (?) and perhaps someone
else could fill in the gaps.

>From what I can see, there were three different bodies involved in this,
I'll follow each one as far as I can:

1A      Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1848)
        v. 1(1848)- (?)

(Continued by:)

1B      Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London
        v. 1(1861)-v. 7(1869)

(Continued by:)

1C      Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869)
        n.s. 1 (session 1868-69)-n.s. v. 2 (session 1869-70)

2       Journal of the Anthropological Society of London
        v. 1(1863)-v. 7(1869 (?))

3A      Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain & Ireland
        v. 1(1872)-v. 36(1906)

(Continued by:)

3B      Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and
        v. 37(1907)-v. 95(1965)

(Absorbed by:)

3C      Man
        v. 1(1901)-v. 65(1965) ; n.s. v. 1(1966)-

I suspect, but can't be sure, that the Ethnological Society of London and
the Anthropological Society of London probably merged with or were absorbed
by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. If they
did, then titles 1C and 2 probably "merged with to form" title 3A.

It looks as though "Jnl. of the Roy. Anth. Inst. of G.B. & Ire."
(abbreviation is mine!) and "Man" were both being published by the Institute
concurrently and that they simply decided to reduce to one journal.

Hope this helps to some degree, and that others can perhaps fill in some
gaps for us here?

Helen Cahill
Serials Cataloguer
Massey University Library
Private Bag 11054
Palmerston North

ph: (06) 356 9099 Ext. 7610