Re: microform reader/printers Nancy Hanks 24 Oct 1996 16:44 UTC

K.K. Duran <kduran@WESTERN.EDU> wrote:
>I am interested in comments/information re: microform
>reader/printers, especially machines which have proved
>"satisfactory" (or better) in performance.

We have 5 Minolta 605Zs out for public abuse and they stand up to it fairly
well.  However, I would like to add that having good service makes a world
of difference and so does having a service contract.

For several years, our Fujis were down most of the time.  I refused to call
the company providing service unless we were desperate because it was so
expensive and the tech was not well trained.  A different company began
offering service in our area for all types of machines and we tried them.
Their tech is well trained, got all our machines running, which surprised us
(I was ready to surplus a couple), and we set up a service contract with them.

We have always had good service for the Minoltas and for the first couple of
years it was cheaper to pay for service calls.  However, with 5 and with
them getting older, it is much cheaper (minimum $1000 per year not including
parts) to have the service contract.

So check out not just the machines but also the company that will provide
the service!

Nancy S. Hanks                          Phone:  412-738-2658
Serials Librarian                       Fax:    412-738-2661
Bailey Library                          Email:
Slippery Rock University
Slippery Rock, PA  16057