When CT 'Merchant Prince' first came out, GDW offered an AppleSoft BASIC program that they said they had used to assist in developing the product.
(NOTE: there was a bug I detected right off which reversed the DM used when trading 'tween worlds at different TL's. I've always wondered if they developed the LBB with that bug present.)
Anyway, It was fun cruising around the 'Marches with various ships & I soon discovered why they 'crippled' the FarTrader in the 'Twilights Peak' adventure. It was really not that hard to make good money.
I even cruised around with the Liner provided (can't remember if was the same as the Book Two 'subsidized' one or not) and found that, even with it's limited cargo space it was actually more profitable, once the 'bug' was fixed, the follow a route prioritizing Hi-to-Lo-to-Hi (maximises trade) rather than HiPop-to-HiPop (maximises passengers) .
Of course AnnualMaint was always a pain but the real fly-in-the-ointment was misjumps. That would really, really ruin the fun, even though you always would up still w/i the 'Marches.
Perhaps that was another 'bug', but, as best I recall, I did chk on that & I could not determine for sure if it was happening too often or not.
I finally made a mod to the prg where a query was made, when the event occured, as to whether or not a misjump was to be allowed or bypassed.
In any case, I had a surprising amount of fun tooling around in space.
Almost as addictive as I've found CharGen prgs to be!

From: Evyn MacDude <xxxxxx@gmail.com>
To: xxxxxx@simplelists.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2018 12:34 PM
Subject: [TML] J3

Have you ever noticed that 3 of the classic ships in Book Two are Jump 3?

Reading through the fluff on the Subsidised Liner the concept of of trading along and established route is mentioned. Then consider the standard Commercial ship schedule of a Jump every other week. One starts to ponder what that universe looks like in terms of routes.

Question one, How long is the route your average Type M liner on? Consider that each ship is going to have around 25 jumps between servicing. 

Question Two following  one, Does a route need to have two anchor points or can it range out from a central point serving as both home port and servicing port?

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