Hello Phil,

Thank you for indicating that I'm probably not out in a field somewhere with my conclusions for the maneuver drive and power plant.

I created a Microsoft Word document that combined the CT LBB 2 1977/1981 material and the CT LBB 5 HG 2e material back in 2014. In that document I spread the power plant out a bit, but with the recent review I decided I might have been out in a field somewhere.

Personally, I think the system began to breakdown with CT LBB 5 HG 1979 and HG 2e 1980.  In CT LBB 2 1977 and the revised book in 1981 building a CT LBB 2 hull the hardpoint took up no tonnage with a MCr cost allowing the installation of the fire control system (FCS) of 1 ton at no MCr cost with or without one of the turret options for only a cost in MCr.

CT LBB 5 HG omitted the hardpoint and turret costs and subsumed the fire control system tonnage into the turret. CT LBB 2 hulls redesigned using CT LBB 5 HG weapons in turrets cost less. In CT LBB 2 a single turret has a cost of MCr 0.2 + hardpoint cost  MCr 0.1 + one pulse laser MCr 0.5 = MCr 0.8 and requires 1 ton of space for the FCS. IN CT LBB HG the same turret is MCr 0.5.

Tom Rux

Tom Rux
On October 25, 2019 at 10:46 AM "Phil Pugliese (via tml list)" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:

I'd say you're right on target.

Considering all the anomalies that you've detected in the CT LBB's, it's no wonder that the whole system broke down horribly when the hyper-complexity of MT & it's successors was cooked up.


On Thursday, October 24, 2019, 03:41:55 PM MST, Thomas RUX <xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:

Late Afternoon from the Pacific Northwest,

The CT LBB 3 TL Chart pages 14-15 not really clear on the TL for the maneuver drive and power plant. According to the TL chart on page 15 under the column header of "Space" non-starships are common at TL 7. 

In CT LBB 5 HG2e MD 1 and 2 are available TL 7, MD 3 through 5 at TL 8 and MD 6 at TL 9 and should be inserted at those TLs under the "Space" column of the CT LBB 3 TL Chart.

I'm not sure about the TL s for the CT LBB 5 HG 2e Power Plants from looking at the table on page 23. My impression is that a CT LBB 5 HG 2e power plant is capable of any rating up to 50 but rarely over 35 at TL 7. In CT LBB 2 the maximum rating is 6 and based CT LBB 5 HG 2e I think that the Power Plant rating should be 1 through 6 in the TL 7 row under either the "Space" or more likely the "Energy" column header.

How far out in the field am I on my integration?

Tom Rux

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