On Tue, 19 May 2020, 11:50 Jeff Zeitlin, <xxxxxx@freelancetraveller.com> wrote:
On Tue, 19 May 2020 08:58:57 +0100, Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson
at port.ac.uk (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote to Freelance

>> This is one of the significant differences between Europeans and Americans
>> or Australians... Europeans think 100 miles (150km) is a long distance.

>Well it is!

Even in the dense eastern states, 100-150 miles is considered viable for a
day trip

Could I pour some oil on this fire by saying that, here in the far north of Scotland, we consider the 240 mile round trip to Inverness to be a fairly piffling little journey and the 440 mile round trip to Aberdeen to be quite doable in a day.

So, even here in the UK, not everyone thinks 100 miles is a long way :) 

David Shaw