Rulebook says that when revived, a Medic Check is made:
+1 TL-12+ ship
-1 Emergency Low Berth
-2 Non-Humans

Not present and I can't find it in the text anywhere:
What difficulty is that medic check? Average(8+)?

And discussion points:

+1 TL-12+ ship? Why ship? Presumption of better med facilities? But that might not be true. And if I had a TL 12+ Berth on an older ships, shouldn't I still get the +1 DM? Seems to me the *berth* is more applicable than ship.

-2 Non-Humans - really? One would think that Aslan, Vargr, and esp Hivers would have worked out a version for themselves. So if we had one of their ships, would humans take -2? Or all other major races and minor? Or are some races not at all able to do cold sleep?

And also, if you are a major polity that happens to have a minority of (forex Vargr), would one not seek to procure the right sorts of berths?

And what about a multi-race capable berth?

How long do we figure your berth can last without power? (Non-emergency version) And does it auto-defrost then and hope for the best? Or just seize up and you die asleep?
