Following some "this is why you playtest!" games where the scenario just wasn't fun, we've rejiggered "The Imperium Strikes Back" and run one playtest. Much better!

Join in on the Virtual Map at Thursday, 04 June, 1:00 PM EDT, either to learn Squadron Strike: Traveller or as a playtester. We teach you to play and it's 100% free. (Keep an eye open for a second run on Sunday.)

In the Imperium Strikes back, a pair of Midu Agashaam destroyers attack a Solomani base orbiting an ice moon. A pair of Solomani Madrid-class CLs try to hold them off.

Please sign up at:

Teaching game:

Traveller with the Brits (The Imperium Strikes Back):

You can learn more about the virtual map at

All games are played on the "beta" map at