Hey Tom,

You may be thinking of Mongoose Traveller page 141 (1e), or page 168 (2e):

To jump, a ship creates a bubble of hyperspace by means of injecting highenergy exotic particles into an artificial singularity. The singularity is driven out of our universe, creating a tiny parallel universe which is then blown up like a balloon by injecting hydrogen into it. The jump bubble is folded around the ship, carrying it into the little pocket universe.


On 20/06/2020 07:36, Thomas RUX wrote:
Afternoon WA time Rupert,

Drat, I was hoping that there was documentation out there somewhere.

GDW JTAS 24 1985 pp. 34-38 has the article Jumpspace written by Marc W. Miller in the Required Items p. 35 in the Power Source entry: "Jump uses large amounts of energy to rip open the barriers between normal space and jump space. Normally, only a fusion power plant can supply this energy."

On pp. 35-36 the entry for Strong Hull states "Starship hulls contain as an integral part of their structure a network of wiring which maintains the jump field around the ship."

Many years ago there was a link to a web site that did show jumps using hydrogen bubbles, unfortunately the site has disappeared.

Tom Rux

On 06/19/2020 1:23 PM Rupert Boleyn <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

On 20Jun2020 0119, Thomas RUX wrote:
Howdy Rupert,

Can you please provide the source that indicated there is a bubble of hydrogen around the hull?
There may not be one. That's just how I interpret jumping. If it 
bothers, assume it all gets stuffed into jumpspace, never to be seen again.

Rupert Boleyn <xxxxxx@gmail.com>

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