Hello all,

The topic of Small Craft vs. Small Ships vs Bigger Ships by kaladorn is something I would like to see developed, but has also reminded me about the detalis with the crew position of Pilot.

In the nautical world a pilot is an individual that holds a Master Mariners license which coupled with years of experience maneuvers ships into and out of a specific port or waterway.

In the aeronautical world a pilot operates the aircraft from take off to landing. Pilot's have training/skills to operate specific types/sizes of aircraft. Additionally, they have ratings for private and commercial aircraft. The military also has ratings for aircraft types.

I agree that Traveller small craft have pilots and that they should have skill levels reflecting the pilots abilities.

I'm not sure that "Pilot", and I have not come up with anything, is the correct term. I again agree that the skill level number should reflect the size of vessel they navigate between while moving about between points in the star local star system.

A Master Spacers license would be the highest rating which would allow a PC or NPC navigate in normal space.

Tom Rux