You can't help missing occassionally... being Solomani. 

Now, Vilani thoroughness....but you were not born Vilani...


You give us good things. We appreciate that. Do not stress.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020, 06:58 Jeff Zeitlin, <> wrote:
Folks, I owe you all a MAJOR apology - I _thought_ I had, as usual, added
the May/June articles to my master copy of the website right after posting
the issue, so I expected that when I posted the July/August issue last
weekend, you'd get the web edition of the previous issue.

I didn't.

The _only_ articles from the May/June issue that are actually in the web
are the reprints.

I. Messed. Up. Big. Time.

I'm working on putting the July/August issues into the web. When I'm done
with that, I'll be going back and doing the May/June articles. And then
I'll post. That means that this issue's "embargo" is going to be a lot
shorter than usual.

Consider it my apology to you for not having a functioning brain...

I'll announce it when I post...

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
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