On Wed, 15 Jul 2020 at 20:23, Jeff Zeitlin <xxxxxx@freelancetraveller.com> wrote:
It's time to start compiling material for the next issue of Freelance
Traveller, and as usual, I need more material from The Community.

REVIEWS: Of *anything*, but if someone has played the Traveller CCG and/or
Traveller Ascension: Imperial Warrant, I'd _really_ appreciate good solid
reviews of them.

Mr Collinson, it's time for another Confession... :)

Bother.  Could of sworn I was a couple in hand... where is the year going?

(To the rest of the list: no, I don't make him say Hail Marys or read and
memorize scripture, and there's no Eucharist. It's not that kind of
Confession, and I'm Jewish anyway!)

Well, I do always try to put something 'confessional' in each one.  :-)

ADVENTURES: Both long and short form would be welcome. And even though
Reality Bites, I'm not opposed to plague-centric plot lines...

hah!  we discussed this on the way up to TravCon the week before the UK's lockdown and it was "too soon, too soon" to try running something there.  I'm not sure that feeling's gone away quite yet.  Not for me at least.  Although I seem to vaguely remember inflicting something like that in _The Edge of Humanity_ : http://www.freelancetraveller.com/features/advents/edgeofhumanity.html

(looks like the FT search engine is still kaput)

Although that does remind me (having also written the follow up _The Edge of Power_ http://www.freelancetraveller.com/features/advents/edgeofpower.html that I had a plan to have a go at a kind of 'grand tour' of the Orbital solar system so I suppose it must be time to dig out the book and have a look at the Saturn system.

WORLDBUILDING: Got any worlds you've built and want to share? There's
always room for another Jump Destination on the departure board... Tips and
techniques for bringing a world or a culture to life? I can use those, too;
that's what The Prep Room is for!  Background stuff? Historical
perspectives, cultural oddities, scholarly analyses?  "Kurishdam" is a
Vilani word that means "a change in lighting that reveals new detail".

Well I'm having a go at Yebab, but there's lots of work to do...

GAMING: The Prep Room is also where you can give hints and tips for running
games; if you've been doing it virtual, WRITE ABOUT IT and send it in! If
its about _HOW_ you virtualized your gaming, that's a Prep Room article, if
its about how the game itself went, that's an after-action report for
Raconteurs' Rest.

oh bother, again... that reminds me I'm still supposed to be finishing my last TTA write up.

PICTURES: Pretty pictures go over well. Even good drawings do.

I have some bad drawings by an artist from Yebab who's not very good...

CHARACTERS: Playable as PCs or not (NPCs), if they've got personalities,
they're interesting. Profile them for us!

The BBC has been running a series of remakes of Alan Bennett's _Talking Heads_ series from the late 80s.  I waver between watching them and thinking 'ooooh, if only I could write NPCs that good' and 'I'll never write NPCs that good, give it up'. 

ET CETERA: Yeah, I'll take that, too. Send it in!

I'm pretty sure I send you 'et cetera' pretty regularly.

but thanks for the prod
