I think we all do that.

When my wife and I play a more complex game with my daughter, at times we'll play 'fairly sub optimally' just so she can win or come close. Sometimes it is good for her to fail in order to be good at managing those emotions and to realize she has to push to improve, but mostly it is about letting her maintain an interest and to sometimes get the thrill of beating the elders. It can be tricky to throw a game without looking like one is...

A friend who has 3 daughters and is 'the competitive guy' in any group had a different strategy: He always played to win so that when his daughters' could eke out a victory, they'd know the sense of achievement after waiting so long. I'm not sure mine would have the fiery desire to win that would keep her hanging in there without winning against us elders. I'm less concerned with who wins than fostering the interest in gaming generally.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 10:41 PM Thomas RUX <xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:
Hi Timothy,

We play Monopoly Jr. once in a while. Of course they win more often than not since I cheat to lose. If I win too often they stop playing.

Tom Rux
On 07/30/2020 2:31 PM Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson at port.ac.uk (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:

The 7-year old sister, 4-year old brother, and 4-year old girl cousin came by during my post wanting to fly their balsa gliders and have cookies and milk.

My sister dropped by yesterday for a bbq in the garden with her two - somewhat older ones - and we had a game of 'International Monopoly' with two boards (English and Czech) where you go from the 2nd dark blue to the Start of the next one.  Two sets of money in different currencies and double the rent if you have identical properties on both boards.  You can add a third board (which I've done) or even a fourth (which I've never tried) but every time you do you are essentially adding another game of Monopoly so it would take some endurance.  I estimate a four handed game averages 75 minutes for us (40 minutes when I just play with daughter on one board as her attention span is low we've learned to 'get on').  So it didn't surprise me that our game yesterday took 2.5 hours.  I managed to snag the brown set on both boards and put up hotels and then the light blue set on both boards and put up hotels.  By the end I could buy hotels on the green property set outright.  This kind of game, when it gets there, finishes FAST!

Anyway, rellies dropping round, can be fun!  Although Jeff didn't get all the bits I was going to send him on my day off due to that...


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