On Wednesday, August 12, 2020, 08:14:58 PM MST, Thomas RUX <xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:

Hello kaladorn,
On 08/12/2020 1:22 PM xxxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

When you say 'latecomer' what do you mean by that?

OTU technically extends from the first 1977 product out through T5 now. What do *you* mean when you say latecomer and what do you feel the OTUs temporal/referential limits are in this case?
LBB1 through 3 published in 1977 did not have the 3I and is something like the original D&D without any background.
I'd propose a vernacular if there isn't one:

myTU: It could be anything ... from fairly close to entirely divergent, created by a GM somewhere (maybe more than one per GM over time)
NoTU : Traveller before any hint of the OTU was there, so you had to roll your own (ends up being a myTU but is distinct in encompassing a small list of products and a limited time window)
OTU-MT: From the Imperial Fringe (if that's the first place we see the Imperium crop up) to when MT came out
OTU-MT: The MegaTraveller universe up until you reach either Hard Times or the release of TNE
OTU-TNE: From the release of TNE until... ? (start of T4?)
OTU-T20:  T20 Traveller universe covering the scope of all T20 products
GTU: Gurps Traveller universe covering the scope of all GT products
OTU-T4: From the release of T4 until the release of T5 (ignoring GT / T20 streams)
OTU-T5: Current T5 products
MgTU: Covering MgT1 to MgT2 windows

I think that might cover the list. Just saying OTU is too large of a sieve to be useful in some discussions. It omits GTU and possibly T20 stuff, but otherwise ALL THE REST is actually OTU. To narrow it down, something like the above might be useful.
I personally try to avoid using OTU and prefer using CT, MT, TNE, etc.

Tom Rux

Actually, I think that makes a lot more sense.
