Not kicking very loudly. There was a link that made it available at Traveller Downport, but that link is as down as the downport itself (what is there now is not related to our hobby).

My google fu so far has not located said collected works (though the Downport page indicated it had contained about 230Mb including some products done by HIWG).

I have located quite a variety of starport-related products from varying iterations. I begin to wonder how many times we have reinvented the wheel, but I'm sure a perusal of some of these would show variations of some interest in almost all separate recapitulations in different products. Some were surprising (3rd party or fan based or from zines) and others from some products I may own but may never have cracked the spine on.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 8:35 PM Evyn Gutierrez <> wrote:

On August 12, 2020, at 15:07, wrote:

>I have to check if the HIWG has ever issued its collected works on a CD or somesuch I can purchase.

There is a cd, not for sale, but there is a risk image kicking around the net.


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