They did just about everyone in the Commonwealth, but left Canada out. Nice...

I caught this reference in the wiki on Warrant Officers:

" In 2018, the U.S. Navy expanded the warrant program, re-implementing the W-1 pay grade for cyber warrant officers and accepting three new WO1s in fiscal year 2019.[35]"

So I guess the Navy has them again (after getting rid of them in 1975).

On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 3:16 PM Thomas RUX <> wrote:
Hello kaladorn

On 08/13/2020 9:13 AM wrote:

This site of pay rates for the federal armed services indicates there is no rank and accompanying pay grade for either W-1 or CWO-5/W-5.

I have done some more digging and I found this site with a history for Warrant Officers and countries that have them. According to the list the USCG discontinued W-1 in 1975 and that the rank of W-5 was established in 1994 but not implemented.

This site shows comparison of insignia of rank across the US services and note the absence of W-1 and CWO-5/W-5.

I agree that the list shows that the USCG no longer has W-1 or mentions they established W-5. The link does show that the US Army, Marine Corps, and Navy all have the rank of CWO5.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the two main CG sites I went on did not have any obvious link to their rank structure that I could easily locate and searching 'ranks' or 'rank structure' on them did not produce anything useful. <rolls eyes>
I typed the search criteria of USCG Ranks and rates and came up with this link

I did find a link that may help on the history of Warrant Officers in the USCG which is

Tom Rux

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