On 08/19/2020 1:16 PM Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at yahoo.com (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:

Yes, but that conversation happened early in this century!

Meaning that Trav was almost 25 years old by then.

Any changes since then, almost 20 years now, are definitely 'late-comers' as was SJG's 'Starports' supp.

Heck, as I recall, originally the 'canonicity' of SJG's stuff was questionable/debatable.
However, it seems that, after SJG gave up supporting Trav, MM has adopted GTrav into his official product line alternate TL & all.
I read something recently, unfortunately I now can not find it, from either Loren Wiseman or Donald McKinney that GT's alternate TL was a way to allow licensing to both SJG and Imperium Games.

Tom Rux