Hi there,

I was exploring Charles Booth's maps of London:
and didn't get very far before I found something that struck me as "made for Traveller" [1] - just about the first thing I clicked on.

Note the legend.

This is almost Social Standing verbatim and I'm now thinking how much players would love a starport/city map that coloured streets by Social Standing of occupants!  Places to avoid, places to seek out!  Need to find an NPC who can do a job for you?  Need to find one who can supply you with a certain illegal something?  Need to know where your Patron's latest job is sending you?  Just want to visit the "interesting" pubs after a long week in Jump?

Of course, for Referees, preparing such a map would be a lot of work and perhaps it could be abstracted somewhat up from street level (although that's kind of the fun of it).  But maybe it could be done semi-randomly using standard distribution of Social Standing (which is, after all, just a straight 2D roll) and Michael Brown's excellent _Locale_ type work.

hmmm, <wonders off rethinking a half idea about a _Supplement 12_ adventure about warring crime gangs>


[1] There is no truth to the rumour that I can look at *anything* and see 'made for Traveller'.  Well, not much.