Christopher Sean Hilton <> wrote:

> The overall purpose of any such system should be to focus and
> *enhance* the communal imagination of the players and the
> referees. Enough computer power exists today that we no longer have to
> be bound by paper and dice. But if the presence of large amounts of
> stored detail detracts from gameplay by limiting the communal imagination
> pool, then it's better to play by paper and dice without detailed
> storage systems for the setting.

On Fri, 28 Aug 2020 at 04:11, David Johnson <> wrote: 
Hear, hear!

This would be my take too.  The librarian in me *loves* the idea of expanded UWPs (and even the UPP expansions that Traveller Companion adds) and the extra detailing of systems such as Book 6: Scouts offeres.  I also love the idea of having everything electronic and instantly available.

But very rarely in my experience does it add much to either:
a) gameplay and fun
b) latitude for the Referee to do their own thing

Of course, it may come down to play (or Refereeing) style and perhaps there are those who want everything mapped out in detail all the time.  I've just never encountered it at TravCon.

It seems to me I only want it for a specific situation that requires it and other times it's 'in the background' but not really required.  (E.g. the expanded system generation presented in _Into the Unknown_ because it was relevant to the plot but I've never needed it at any other time.  Or the detailed ATV schematics with power and water systems for the last session of my TTA game but never required previously and unlikely to get used again.)

It does seem to be a trade off though.  The more detail that's 'there' just because, the more there's what Marc Miller calls a Rich Decision Making Environment to give options; but also the more constrained I am to make an adventure/situation my own as Referee.

So yes, Government Type 7 is inadequate but IF it's relevant (like Aramanx and the 'Wolf at the Door' chapter in TTA) then it's worth detailing and if not, (like Aramanx in the 'Kidnapped on Aramanx' chapter in TTA) then there's no need for it.

I'm torn.  But I'd hate to lose the simplicity that I've loved from day 1 in Traveller.  While the UWP is perhaps not perfect, it's been more than 'good enough' for 40 years of my interest.  It's hard to think of a better way of spending a lazy afternoon than plucking World Builders' Handbook off the shelf and lovingly crafting a planet from the tectonics up, but the number of times I've *needed* that detail just doesn't warrant doing it for anything but an exceptional moment.  (And yes, now I could have all that 'instantly' via computer, doesn't really help as a) I don't know the world so well and b) it doesn't necessarily provide the adventure that is what's really of interest).

Sorry, I'm thinking aloud now.  But thinking's allowed, I trust.


Oh, and full marks David for spelling "Hear, Hear!" correctly.  So often I see 'here, here!'.