In Canada (and likely the US) the Kindle version is considerably cheaper than the printed one. Audible has the audio book. There are used copies available too, even though it was a 2017 release.

My thought upon reading the initial premise: I'm sure those observing the Renaissance, with its fast advancements in thought, in science, in art, etc. probably thought it could never be done again. Some would argue that is true, but if you study enough historical periods, you find examples of similar explosions of advancements and new ideas.

I suspect in the short run, we may be held up by some issues we've been deferring dealing with for a long time (gender issues, racial issues, aboriginal rights, economic disparity, etc) and how long we take to move past them and get a collective focus back on how to advance the human situation with new ideas and developments may depend on how well we can address the issues of the current moment.

One way or another, barring the war or a climate catastrophe that largely devastates the planet, we will bloom again and there will be further periods of amazing growth and expansion.

That said, I've added the book to my (long) Amazon gift list.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 5:19 PM Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson at (via tml list) <> wrote:

On Tue, 8 Sep 2020 at 20:30, Dan Corrin - dan.corrin at (via tml list) <> wrote:
One part of Traveller is the advancement of technology from Stone-Age Tech 0 to TL-10 starfaring and beyond.
While some rules have tried to quantify the growth periods from tech level to tech level, it has not been very scientific.

I just came across a book (which I have not read) but did read a review of and it describes why the recent TL increases for the western world (the United States in particular) might be a single occurrence that can't be projected forward in time, and perhaps would not be repeatable for alternate planets.

Take a look at the summary The Rise and Fall of American Growth

-Dan Corrin

Even better we have it in our Library as both print (not much use at present) and ebook.  I shall take it to bed with me.




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