On Tue, 15 Sep 2020 at 20:54, Thomas RUX <xxxxxx@comcast.net> wrote:
Hello Timothy,

In the four book series The Last Legion by Chris Bunch the human Confederation collapses and the military force assigned to a frontier planet have to overcome a number of events before they send a covert operation to find out what has happened. When they approach the capital they have to overcome automated defenses.

The series titles are: The Last Legion, Firemask, Storm Force, and Homefall.

OK, thanks for that.

You realize of course that JUST the suggestions TMLers give me for book reading make for a list as long as my arm (I know, I've measured).  Add the other reading I have suggested to me I just start to whimper.  :-)

But thank you.  Sounds fun to give it a go.

Though now I think about it there was also an adventure I played in at TravCon where I think it was Nigel Fisher who ran a game where we had to overcome automated defenses of a planet to explore planet.

Ah yes, here it is: http://www.freelancetraveller.com/features/stories/aar-travcon19.html
under Memory Loss and Memory Capture.  The game was called Loves Labours Lost and at the risk of spoiling it IIRC (I don't write the detail in the write-up) the two opposing AIs of an old war have fallen in love with each other but don't know how to give up the fighting they're programmed to do.  I thought it a nice idea and being a Darrian scientist in the middle of this was great fun.
