Shhhh " waves hands rapidly"

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-------- Original message --------
From: "Kelly St. Clair"
Date:02/12/2016 12:36 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: Jump Fuel (was Re: [TML] Instant city)

Most of the attempted explanations/handwaves for "what do they DO with
all that H2?" run into the problem that, if one accepts [hypothesis],
there's almost always some way to "fuel" a jump which is MUCH superior
to lugging around a substantial fraction of the ship's volume in LHyd.
"Breaking" that arbitrary rule has significant second-order effects on
military capabilities, merchant traffic and economics, etc etc.

There comes a point, IMO, where a whole lot of Traveller becomes
indefensible and inexplicable by anything short of outright fiat:  "This
is what the rules say, so this is how we're playing it, even though it
makes no #%()in' sense."

Kelly St. Clair

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