Friday, 12 February 2016, 03:31pm +00:00 from Joshua Bell <>:

The increase in amber zones (strictly following the T5 rules) across all of the reviewed sectors of Charted Space was included in one of the last T5SS data updates I received from Don McKinney before his untimely death. The intent of sharing the data via is to get feedback on the data. Unfortunately his passing means that feedback like "whoah, there seem to be too many" or "this changes everything!" hasn't been processed yet.
I'll pass on the message/concern/etc as the review process reboots.

As Tom says, many thanks for your labours.  Still think Traveller map is a brilliant thing.

I do have two questions if I may:
- you say the Amber Zones are determined by the T5 rules, but I understand them to say AZ are 'special' and referee chosen.  How are you assigning them?

- is there anywhere I can check the date of the last update of a world or sector, so I can tell how recently they've been adjusted?  I can't see anywhere but maybe looking in the wrong place

