On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 7:53 PM, Richard Aiken <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Joshua Bell <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
What's odd is that many of them are tagged Pz and not Da. And... that's a LOT of new Amber Zones. So ISTM there are possible issues with the data (there shouldn't be auto-Pz at all, and/or all those new Pz's should be Da's?) or the rules (too severe?) or both.

Since this is the Imperial Core we are discussing . . . it sounds to me like someone decided that the Imperial Core is a very long-settled regions and thus should mostly consist of worlds with high populations and/or high law levels. But they then failed to allow for slanting the rules to generate those stats for this area would cause the resulting worlds to end up classified as Amber Zones.

But I agree. Assuming "Da" means "Dangerous" and "Pz" means "Poisonous," I think it's clear that someone transposed those codes in writing the rules.

Pz = Puzzle, i.e. it's a mystery (without further data) why the world rates an Amber. 

Anyway, I'll pass all of this along to TPTB.