Thank you very much; so build in Excel with a column for each then export to tab delimited?

Brilliant - will have a look - first job being to get the GURPS Data in before I remap to CT!
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On 23 Feb 2016, 03:03 +0000, Joshua Bell <>, wrote:

On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:52 PM, Dom Mooney <> wrote:
So if I convert the section of the sector to a Traveller UPP then it should be enough? Is there a specifc file format I should use? does it matter if it’s only a 3x3 map (I could keep the physical data from CT era for the subsectors that aren’t mapped?

A subset is fine. At worst you end up with a bunch of blank hexes you need to crop.

Any of the formats at (except Trader, which hasn't been used in >30 years and is documented for posterity) will work. If you're composing it by hand e.g. in a spreadsheet, tab delimited might be easiest.

Pick whatever you want for 2-character allegiance codes and I can generate borders for you.

Feel free to email me directly.
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