On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 8:22 AM, Thomas Jones-Low <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
        Of course the Maghiz in and of it self makes no sense. The inverse square law ensures if the EMP was strong enough to fry electronics on a world 1-2 parsecs away, the pulse would have been strong enough to bake the entire surface of Darrian to the melting point.

Back before I joined this list, I never realized how wonky the Maghiz as explained in canon actually was.

After having this pointed out to me, I changed it's nature IMTU to simply having the Darrians explore and plant small colonies during their first star-faring expansion, but NOT actually build up any significant tech base outside their home system. So what actually happened is that the Maghiz wiped out that tech base, with the extremely bright flare of their home star in the skys of all those scattered colonies being what let everyone know - years after the fact - WHY the starships has stopped coming. 

Richard Aiken

"Never insult anyone by accident."  Robert A. Heinlein
"I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as Muhammed." Alexis de Tocqueville (1843)
"We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous." Dean Winchester
"It has been my experience that a gun doesn't care who pulls its trigger." Newton Knight (as portrayed by Matthew McConaughey), to a scoffing Confederate tax collector facing the weapons held by Knight's young children and wife.