I think there was.  Will look tomorrow.  Must. Sleep. Now.

But game went well.  A bit too sandboxy for newbies but there was some nice interaction and I played a couple of NPCs better than I usually manage.  Female player definitely got the slightly 'sad' vibe off the middle aged gent chatting her up in bar.  Best line: "I'm not getting anywhere here" (as she works out they're not picking up any rumours or clues).  Other two players: "oh yes you are."

And the PCs ignored all my shiny new(ish) rental Grav vehicles on display and went for the old ATV out the back.  Despite meaning a day of travel instead of a couple of hours.  Are they *sure* they haven't played before?!


On 12 May 2016 5:16 pm, "Andrew Long" <xxxxxx@mac.com> wrote:
On 12 May 2016, at 17:08, Timothy Collinson wrote:
> Many thanks chaps for the really helpful responses.
> <snip/>
> Richard, thanks for the leads.  I too had a half, no a quarter memory, of some old Traveller book having something but can't come up with it.  I've had a quick skim through the Starter book (and associated tables) and I've had a look at 'Speculation without a Starship' in JTAS 5 which you'd think would be  a good bet.  Can't see anything quickly, although I often miss things in PDF that I find in print so I'll look properly this evening.  The JTAS article did have ware housing costs which might come in useful so later.

IASTR that there was an article, perhaps called "Travelling without a starship?"

Regards, Andy

Andrew Long
Andrew dot Long at Mac dot com

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