On May 20, 2016, at 11:44 PM, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:

And then there's all those thousands of charters granted to member worlds.
On a lot of those worlds, according to GovType, the local assigned Imperial Nobility may not have much authority outside the extrality zone/s.
I believe there'd be a strong sentiment on any chartered world for a 'Rule of Law' interpretation of the 'Emperor's Will'. That 'Law' being, of course, the Imperial Charter for that world. How did Retinae, in the S'Marches, leave the 3I? Did the local imp nobility willingly go along with that?

Remember, canonically the 3I does not rule worlds, but ‘the space between the worlds’. The Emperor can interdict a system, preventing outsystem trade or travel, but individual worlds are ruled by local authorities under whatever system they have..

Well, once the 3I was past the Pacification Campaigns in it’s early days, that is, but that was more about subordinating external multi-world polities rather than individual systems, but even then, presuming Cleon I knew enough about history to not repeat the mistakes of the Second Imperium, and would bring the local authorities in as Imperial nobles; hell, I’d wager a lot of ‘pacification’ was: “Hey you! Yah you,the head poobah! Join us and you’ll still be the local head poobah, AND be one of MY poobahs! If you do, you’ll get to skim, ‘partake of the benefits of offworld trade!’"

I’d wager they’d fall all over themselves to join in, especially if they noticed the fleet of ships behind the offer :-/

but in most mileu’s this isn’t an issue because mostly the 3I has become static. Almost certainly by the time of CT no new systems of significance have been added as new uncontacted worlds.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs