Hello Postmark,
Thank you for the information and now when I'm called a jerk
I can look or sound confused asking what does going from 0G
to 1G or more have to do with the subject.
Of course the flip of the coin is that I'll have to use a different
term when someone does what I consider to be something
wrong like pass my car in a no passing zone. Okay, in
addition to using profanity at times.
Tom R

From: "Postmark" <xxxxxx@btinternet.com>
To: "TML" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 2:17:35 AM
Subject: Re: Multi Jumping is no big deal since LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly efficient! was Re: [TML] L-Hyd not necessary for jumping & misc....

On 24 May 2016, at 06:58, tmr0195@comcast.net wrote:

> Please tell me the proper term of how one goes from 0G to 1G?

It appears that the proper term for this is "the jerk".

No, really, just in case the website I looked on was a spoof, I checked the ISO 2041 document:


and jerk is the rate of change of acceleration.

There is some suggestion that over here in the UK, the term "jolt" is an acceptable alternative and too my ears that would sound better...

(Personally, I was expecting the term "impulse" but it seems that the engineers objected.)

Phil Kitching
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