D'Oh!  Sorry folks, I've just found what I was looking for.  It's the OCKLOSH not Oshkosh, and it's in G:T Starships.  Worst thing is, I'd just looked in there too... 😨😥😥

From: xxxxxx@hotmail.com
To: xxxxxx@simplelists.com
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2016 17:13:57 +0000
Subject: [TML] Oshkosh-class Salvage Vessel

Greetings, fellow Travellers!  I have a vague memory of the Oshkosh-class vessel, a recovery ship that looked similar to either a Type P patrol cruiser or one of the various Corsair vessels.
Does anyone else recognise this ship, and if so tell me which version of Traveller and/or which book it is from?  (I thought it was GURPS:Traveller but I'm not sure!)

Any assistance gratefully received.

aka Captain Chicken, Legend in his own Lunchbox
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