Another thing...if it's a hot desert, the physical bulk of the craft itself can help you in two ways.

One, just sitting on or in it will get you up off the ground a bit. Air temperature within a half meter of the ground is often several K higher than at a meter or more. So if you can get up a bit, it reduces heat load on the body, which has all kinds of benefits, obviously.

Two, if you can lever it up a bit, or dig under it, it can provide shade and partial weather shelter. Getting out of direct sunlight increases your survival odds a great deal; it reduces heat load and the risk of sunburn.

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Abdul Rahman Reijerink <> wrote:

> Oh!!!  Thank you!  This is like a source book for that part of the adventure.  It's wonderful, thank you. :-) 
Definitely worth a write up for one of the blogs or fanzines. Great stuff.

  'course they'll still end up in the desert now they've *really* peeved the baddies and let their faces be seen...

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