Kirsten and I decided last summer that after an incredibly windy Burning Man that our days of tenting were over. We were going to get a travel trailer.

Fast forward to this week when we agree to buy a 10" teardrop trailer. Perfect for a place to sleep and store a few things, and well within the towing capacity of my Ford Ranger.

Today, while discussing things like solar panels and storage boxes, it hit me. We name things. my truck is named Darby (military history fans will get that one), Kirsten's PT Cruiser is named Bailey (replaced Barnum, who was totaled in a crash). So obviously we'll be going to the Playa with . . .

. . . the Free Trailer Beowulf.

2" red reflective tap is on the shopping list, as is lettering or stencils for the name. Pictures when we're done.

Douglas Berry
Twitter: @gridlore