Hello Timothy,
My apologies for being confusing in my question and for indicating I could not find “The Traveller Adventure” in either bibliography copy I have on hand. After reading this reply I did find “The Traveller Adventure” in my 1997-199 copy of “The Traveller Bibliography”.
The person that provided cited the special tank information from “The Traveller Adventure” did not provide a date and I wanted to determine which source came first TCS or “The Traveller Adventure.”
Yes, you and the others have indeed helped me out once again and thank you for that assistance.
Tom Rux
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] Help needed identifying CT The Traveller Adventure, p44
On 4 April 2017 at 21:47, <tmr0195@comcast.net> wrote:
Hello all,
On the Mongoose Traveller forum CT The Traveller Adventure, p44 was cited as a source document for collapsible tanks, external/internal demountable tanks, and new information on drop tanks.
I've checked my copies of the Traveller and Periodical Bibliographies and have not been able find the title. The text cited appears to be the same as what is in CT Adventure 5 TCS.
Can anyone please help me figure out what book is being cited?

I'm a tad confused as to what you're after as The Traveller Adventure is definitely in both the first 2 editions of The Traveller Bibliography (and the 3rd yet to come of course!).  It is indeed on page 44.

The text is pretty identical to that on page 14 of Adventure 5 although there's been some very slight revision of the order of words.  (No rule changes).

I believe others have given other references to the tanks while I've been writing my longer email.

FWIW, my players - going through The Traveller Adventure right now - have installed the demountable tanks as per the adventure and have used them to get off the Aramis Trace, but I remain unconvinced they'd ever get passengers for, say, a Jump-2 trip (which will take them two weeks+) when said passengers could pay the same and do the Jump in a week.  Unless of course the PCs drop their prices for passage or the passengers are desperate for some reason.... which of course is all grist to the mill of our role playing!

Does that help at all?


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