On 1 Sep 2017 05:56, "Amber Witherspoon" <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
(I'm a person with complicated names. My first article for FT was the
Coffee one, as Amber Darkotter. If you used that article,

Yep, the eventual aim is to include every article published for Traveller that's not in vol. 1 of The Traveller Periodical Bibliography.  It's a way off yet but I'm plugging away.

If anyone wants a job - possibly much like sieving the ocean - I'm NOT tackling blog entries...

then add the
"see" reference in the index. Otherwise, just Cian)

Thank you.

Of course I'm sure there are pseudonyms that I don't even know about but where I can establish real names or multiple aliases AND folk are happy for them to be connected, I might as well collect the information for posterity.

