Presumably, the fun way of including this in an adventure would be not to spring it on the PCs as an "oh tough, you didn't know, we're locking you up" (or executing you a la Wesley Crusher in the TNG episode where he steps on the grass or something), but to clearly mark the clothing laws in customs inspections as they travel to starport, in signs at the gate as suggested, in library data for the world.  The PCs make sure they're wearing requisite clothing and it all seems much of a nothingness.  

Until at some point as a result of the adventure, the PCs need to shed clothing etc for some reason and have choices to make about who has what (assuming they've remembered the detail).  Maybe they need to offer someone they've rescued some clothing to keep them warm or something.

Just thinking out loud.  Hope it helps.


On 19 Sep 2017 9:16 p.m., "Grimmund" <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 6:57 PM, (via tml list) Leonard wrote:

Purely "social" rules are kinda arbitrary, even if they don't look
like that to members of the society in question. Those can get really
interesting. Sumptuary laws can be a big pitfall for visitors. Wear
the wrong thing and you can get a fne of jail time. Possibly even

One might expect fairly clear warnings at the starport boundary.  Perhaps even security guards, on the starport side of the line, if only to minimize the administrative hassle of dealing with the locals, or dealing with ships that are short crew because someone wore the wrong thing into town.

Of course, if you go out into the local marketeria, to buy some cool souvenirs of this quaint planet, and maybe offend the clerk a little with your crass offworlder manners, they might recommend something special, just for you....



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