On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 2:47 PM, C. Berry <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
To my way of thinking, this is what CG is specifically intended to solve. CG provides no thrust as such, but it cancels out gravitational attraction, up to some limit higher than would be encountered on habitable planets. Thus you just turn on the CG, thereby becoming weightless, point the nose at the sky, and accelerate using your maneuver drive.

This was pretty much my assumption, once I thought about it.

Enough lift modules built in and decentralized around the hull to enable the thrusters to get the ship to orbit.  Details were never particularly necessary from a narrative standpoint.

Or, you know, "1 G" is a nominal "cruise" rating, with one decimal place of accuracy, and represents maybe 75-80% of full rated performance, with peak output maybe 200% of full or "cruise" performance for up to an hour, to allow for takeoff and landing maneuvers on higher-G worlds.



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