Perhaps now would be the moment to mention my own tiniest of tiny contributions to the vargr language (and culture):

I deliberately didn't say which vargr language so you can use it for any.

Don't forget that Alien Module 3: Vargr for classic Traveller not only has the word generation rules but a 2 page vocabulary of the Arrghoun language, a 2 page story in the language (with translation) and nearly a page on the grammar of the language.



On 8 Nov 2017 1:39 a.m., "Jeff Zeitlin" <> wrote:
On Tue, 7 Nov 2017 19:36:40 -0500, Jonathan Clark <> wrote:

> <> wrote:
>>     Thank you for the link to the Vilani language. Do you know if there is one for Vargr?
>It's hardly complete, but this site:
>might be useful.

Not for Vargr; Trokh is the "default" Aslan language.

>I should also mention:
>which allows one to generate plausible-sounding words in a variety of Traveller languages.

... and for off-line use in DOSBox on any OS there's also and
scroll down to Word Generator.

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