It's interesting, I get slightly different numbers. For example, in the spinward marches I get a population count of Interval[{92,559,896,270, 123,188,731,073}] at TL8 or lower. Are you accounting for the "PBG" population modifier? For example Junidy in the Spinward Marches should have a population between 30,000,000,000 and 39,999,999,999. 

You do mention Tenalphi has a population of 60 million (that is, 60 million to 69,999,999), so you do account for the pop modifier, but when computing the statistics do you treat that 60-69.9 million as an interval, or just take the lowest value? 

I get the current total population of the Imperium (Allegiance code = Im*) as 18,049,041,349,210 to 21,832,723,838,665. Far from being 11,000 worlds, I count 8988 worlds. This with the travellermap API scraped as of about 20 minutes ago. 

Interesting work, thanks! 

-------- Original Message --------
On January 17, 2018 3:01 PM, Ethan Henry <> wrote:

Hello Travellers. Long time, no see.

So the other day I was curious about the distribution of a bunch of things in the official Imperial survey data so I pulled the raw data from, tweaked it a bit by hand and then pulled it into a google spreadsheet to do some analysis.

You can play with the sheet here:

Feel free to make a copy and tweak the pivot tables yourself if you like that sort of thing.

For example 93% of the population of the Marches is on the 42 pop 9 & A worlds. There are 397 other inhabited worlds that make up the remaining 7% of the population of the Marches. So there's a lot of concentration of population and a lot - A LOT - of empty space to hide if you want to.

92B of the 375B of the sophonts in the Marches live on a TL 8 or lower world. 50B live at TL 8. That's like 6.7 Earth's at today's TL.

There are 14 TL 5 Agricultural worlds. There's one extremely high-tech Ag world, Tenalphi, that's TL E, size 7 and has 60M inhabitants. It's a nearly Earth-like planet that basically only has New York state and California, or a country between the size of France & Italy. Quite possibly the population is distributed over the entire planet so it ends up being endless Kansas.

Anyway, if you also like spreadsheets, have a look.
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