Taking that data a bit further, the distribution of population across all tech levels for all imperial worlds, including the solomani rim:

0 Interval[{0,0}]
1 Interval[{14368005000,16810005987}]
2 Interval[{3397743670,4185304951}]
3 Interval[{16328126970,21171998250}]
4 Interval[{26433683240,32617210577}]
5 Interval[{90069766630,107750549203}]
6 Interval[{346132894360,408770332771}]
7 Interval[{490209277470,582489904380}]
8 Interval[{981680907120,1199686758000}]
9 Interval[{1076910428620,1297033523560}]
10 Interval[{2235356578290,2746943850522}]
11 Interval[{1868878970600,2248319621885}]
12 Interval[{3537386357290,4239976615198}]
13 Interval[{2132695418530,2600837518324}]
14 Interval[{4361157843760,5366202719833}]
15 Interval[{3510950055090,4320913309998}]
16 Interval[{10000080500,20000090597}]
17 Interval[{0,0}]

There are at least 14 billion living at tech level 1. 

Also as an aside, once you have data in that kind of format, it makes character generation interesting. If you randomly choose a world for a character to be from, completely random selection will very heavily bias toward lower population worlds. Much like in the US Senate, they're overrepresented in in simple list selection.

However, if you properly bias for world population and pick a crew of 20 at random, you get quite a large number of collisions - several crew from the same world. Here's a sample of 20 selected from the spinward marches: 

Sector Name UWP Population Tech
Spin Adabicci A57189B-B Interval[{800000000,899999999}] 11
Spin Efate A646930-D Interval[{8000000000,8999999999}] 13
Spin Enope C411988-7 Interval[{6000000000,6999999999}] 7
Spin Fornice A554A87-C Interval[{20000000000,29999999999}] 12
Spin Fornice A554A87-C Interval[{20000000000,29999999999}] 12
Spin Fornice A554A87-C Interval[{20000000000,29999999999}] 12
Spin Junidy B434ABD-B Interval[{30000000000,39999999999}] 11
Spin Junidy B434ABD-B Interval[{30000000000,39999999999}] 11
Spin Junidy B434ABD-B Interval[{30000000000,39999999999}] 11
Spin Junidy B434ABD-B Interval[{30000000000,39999999999}] 11
Spin Louzy D422A88-8 Interval[{10000000000,19999999999}] 8
Spin Lunion A995984-D Interval[{8000000000,8999999999}] 13
Spin Menorb C652998-7 Interval[{3000000000,3999999999}] 7
Spin Mora AA99AC7-F Interval[{10000000000,19999999999}] 15
Spin Mora AA99AC7-F Interval[{10000000000,19999999999}] 15
Spin Palique A511965-E Interval[{3000000000,3999999999}] 14
Spin Porozlo A867A74-B Interval[{20000000000,29999999999}] 11
Spin Rethe E430AA8-8 Interval[{30000000000,39999999999}] 8
Spin Rethe E430AA8-8 Interval[{30000000000,39999999999}] 8
Spin Tirem C7B5975-B Interval[{6000000000,6999999999}] 11

-------- Original Message --------
On January 17, 2018 3:01 PM, Ethan Henry <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Travellers. Long time, no see.

So the other day I was curious about the distribution of a bunch of things in the official Imperial survey data so I pulled the raw data from travellermap.com, tweaked it a bit by hand and then pulled it into a google spreadsheet to do some analysis.

You can play with the sheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hAOoxliGdlaWbJ4DTL3ICMFZH5OH18-ISFjw7HpNimE/edit?usp=sharing

Feel free to make a copy and tweak the pivot tables yourself if you like that sort of thing.

For example 93% of the population of the Marches is on the 42 pop 9 & A worlds. There are 397 other inhabited worlds that make up the remaining 7% of the population of the Marches. So there's a lot of concentration of population and a lot - A LOT - of empty space to hide if you want to.

92B of the 375B of the sophonts in the Marches live on a TL 8 or lower world. 50B live at TL 8. That's like 6.7 Earth's at today's TL.

There are 14 TL 5 Agricultural worlds. There's one extremely high-tech Ag world, Tenalphi, that's TL E, size 7 and has 60M inhabitants. It's a nearly Earth-like planet that basically only has New York state and California, or a country between the size of France & Italy. Quite possibly the population is distributed over the entire planet so it ends up being endless Kansas.

Anyway, if you also like spreadsheets, have a look.
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