On January 23, 2018 1:43 AM, Rupert Boleyn <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

While it is correct that the 3I has reached TL15 and none of the
surrounding states have to any great degree (except possibly the
Hivers), astrographically the 3I will have a problem applying that
superiority to a war with the Zhodani - the Hi-pop TL15 centres are on
the other side of the Corridor. Also, TL15 isn't that much better than TL14.
Besides, frankly the 3I is shit at waging war.

The max tech level by Allegiance, for what it's worth, from the TravellerMap data for OTU sectors: 

17 Third Imperium, Domain of Antares
16 Third Imperium, Domain of Sylea
16 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Seieakh (9), Akatoiloh (18), We'okunir (29)
16 Darrian Confederation
16 Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb
15 Hive Federation
15 Solomani Confederation, Bootean Federation
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Sol
15 Solomani Confederation
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Ilelish
15 Third Imperium, Luriani Cultural Association
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Gateway
15 Third Imperium, Sylean Worlds
15 Client state, Two Thousand Worlds
15 Third Imperium, Lancian Cultural Region
15 Third Imperium, Domain of Vland
15 Julian Protectorate, Hegemony of Lorean
15 United Followers of Augurgh
15 Empire of Varroerth
15 Non-Aligned, Human-dominated
14 Solomani Confederation, Hanuman Systems
14 Dienbach Grüpen
14 Solomani Confederation, Kostov Confederate Republic
14 Solomani Confederation, Third Reformed French Confederate Rebublic
14 Solomani Confederation, Grand United States of Quesada
14 Oleaiy'fte
14 Iyeaao'fte
14 Tealou Arlaoh
14 Solomani Confederation, Consolidation of Turin
14 Third Imperium, Vegan Autonomous District
14 Solomani Confederation, Reformed Dootchen Estates
14 Gerontocracy of Ormine
14 Cytralin Unity
14 Solomani Confederation, Wuan Technology Association
14 Carrillian Assembly
14 Aslan Hierate, Zodia clan
14 Loyal Nineworlds Republic
14 Glimmerdrift Federation
14 Federation of Heron
14 Grand Duchy of Stoner
14 Non-Aligned, Aslan-dominated
14 Third Imperium, Amec Protectorate
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Aokhalte (10), Sahao' (21), Ouokhoi (26)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Khauleairl (2), Estoieie' (16), Toaseilwi (22)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Uiktawa (7), Iykyasea (17), Faowaou (27)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Ikhtealyo (8), Tlerfearlyo (20), Yehtahikh (24)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Hlyueawi (6), Isoitiyro (15)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Yerlyaruiwo (1), Hrawoao (13), Eisohiyw (14), Ferekhearl (19)
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Eakhtiyho (5), Eteawyolei' (11), Fteweyeakh (23)
14 Glorious Empire
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu vassal clan dominates
14 Aslan Hierate, single one-world clan dominates
14 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Syoisuis (3)
14 Aslan Hierate, single multiple-world clan dominates
14 Aslan Hierate, vassal clan dominates
14 Strend Cluster
14 Aslan Hierate, multiple clans split control
14 Florian League
14 Third Imperium, League of Antares
14 Zhodani Consulate, Colonnade Province
14 Salinaikin Concordance
14 Julian Protectorate, Alliance of Ozuvon
14 Julian Protectorate, Rukadukaz Republic
14 Julian Protectorate, Pirbarish Starlane
14 Sarkan Constellation
14 Julian Protectorate, Asimikigir Confederation
14 Voekhaeb Society
14 Antares Pact
14 Opposition Alliance
14 Ngath Confederation
14 17th Disjucture
14 Irrgh Manifest
14 Lair Protectorate
14 Jihad of Faarzgaen
14 Akhstuti
14 Dzarrgh Federate
14 Windhorn Pact of Two
14 People of Wanz
14 Llaeghskath Interacterate
14 Commonality of Kedzudh
14 Client state, Third Imperium
14 40th Squadron
14 Worlds of Leader Rukh
14 Thoengling Empire
14 Pact of Gaerr
14 Society of Equals
14 Non-Aligned, Vargr-dominated
14 Zhodani Consulate, Iadr Nsobl Province
14 Zhodani Consulate, Addaxur Reserve
14 Zhodani Consulate, Jadlapriants Province
14 Julian Protectorate
14 Julian Protectorate, Commonwealth of Mendan
13 Demos of Nobles
13 Winston Democracy
13 Malorn Union
13 Trita Brotherhood
13 Solomani Confederation, New Slavic Solidarity
13 Ral Ranta
13 Islaiat Dominate
13 Shukikikar League
13 Percavid Marches
13 Korsumug Empire
13 Trooles Confederation
13 Kingdom of Peladon
13 Aslan Hierate, Tlaukhu control, Tralyeaeawi (4), Yulraleh (12), Aiheilar (25), Riyhalaei (28)
13 Die Weltbund
13 Jarnac Pashalic
13 Hyperion League
13 Comsentient Alliance, Kajaani Triumverate
13 Four Corners Sovereign Array
13 Comsentient Alliance
13 Grossdeutchland Confederation
13 Langemarck Coalition
13 Comsentient Alliance, Eslyat Magistracy
13 Altarean Confederation
13 Trelyn Domain
13 Client state, Zhodani Consulate
13 Julian Protectorate, Hhkar Sphere
13 Julian Protectorate, Ukhanzi Coordinate
13 Julian Protectorate, Lumda Dower
13 Confederation of Bammesuka
13 Zuugabish Tripartite
13 Ruler of Five
13 Glory of Taarskoerzn
13 Noefa
13 Kfue
13 Bakne Alliance
13 Rranglloez Stronghold
13 Non-Aligned, unclaimed
13 Thirz Empire
12 Council of Leh Perash
12 Outcasts of the Whispering Sky
12 Gniivi Collective
12 Anubian Trade Coalition
12 Union of Harmony
12 Principality of Caledon
12 The Reach
12 Syzlin Republic
12 Old Worlds
12 Grand Duchy of Kalradin
12 Mercantile Concord
12 Mische Conglomerate
12 Trindel Confederacy
12 Akeena Union
12 Khuur League
12 I'Sred*Ni Protectorate
12 Mal'Gnar Primarchic
12 Mapepire Cluster
12 Sword Worlds Confederation
12 Unknown
12 League of Suns
12 Domain of Alntzar
12 Haladon Cooperative
12 Mnemosyne Principality
12 Federation of Alsas
12 The Protectorate
12 Julian Protectorate, Constitution of Koekhon
12 First Fleet of Dzo
12 Anti-Rukh Coalition
12 Third Empire of Gashikan
12 Drr'lana Network
11 Solomani Confederation, Restricted Zone
11 Lanyard Colonies
11 Carter Technocracy
11 Confederation of Duncinae
11 Grand Duchy of Marlheim
11 Client state, Hive Federation
11 Karhyri Worlds
11 Katowice Conquest
11 Federation of Amil
11 Gamma Republic
11 Maskai Empire
11 Renkard Union
11 Megusard Corporate
11 Viyard Concourse
11 Galian Federation
11 Plavian League
11 Kranzbund
11 The Biumvirate
11 Zelphic Primacy
11 Union of Garth
11 Four Worlds
11 Ouzvothon
11 Julian Protectorate, Rar Errall/Wolves Warren
11 Trae Aggregation
10 Client state, Principality of Caledon
10 Aslan Hierate, unknown
10 Swanfei Free Worlds
10 Hochiken People's Assembly
10 Senlis Foederate
10 Zydarian Codominium
10 Client state, Mal'Gnar Primarchic
10 Pionier Fellowship
10 Tellerian Cluster
10 Urukhu
9 Jurisdiction of Nadon
9 Belgardian Sojurnate
9 Descarothe Hegemony
9 Julian Protectorate, Vugurar Dominion
9 Saeknouth Dependency
9 Union of Yoetyqq