Well, it doesn't necessarily mean, "running around naked". Take India for example. Or the areas of sub-saharan Africa where Islam is influential esp wrt female attire.

When my father was stationed at a remote SAC base in Morocco, most local women (some had 'gone european') left only their face/eyes & hands exposed when outside, no matter how hot it was & it got really, really hot sometimes. And what they covered up with was NOT light-weight!

IMO, "going native" referred more to adopting local customs/attire w/o necessarily 'stripping down'.

From: Jerry Barrington <xxxxxx@gmail.com>
To: xxxxxx@simplelists.com
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] More Promethean Skies

Not that long, I shouldn't imagine.  During the colonial period, a common complaint was that somebody in a foreign country was "going native".  They'd take up much of the local culture, including habits of dress, or more to the point *un*dress.  Kids raised there would be even more likely to do so, despite attempts at "civilized" education.

On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 3:48 AM, Caleuche <xxxxxx@sudnadja.com> wrote:
I do wonder how quickly a population like that - stranded Vilani or Solomani - would change from clothing being absolutely necessary for social reasons to doing without it completely. 
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