I assume you're familiar with pretty much the only Traveller thing on the subject.

Military Academy by Marcus L. Rowland in Challenge 26.

Although it's for cadets it translates very easily for nobles and I used the section on duelling in that as a handout for my Second Scions' Society adventure so my dilettantes could duel if they wanted to, pretty much verbatim iirc.

Hope this helps.


On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, 00:20 Jeff Zeitlin, <xxxxxx@freelancetraveller.com> wrote:
I'm working up the outline of a Jotting on duelling. However, I haven't
really found a lot on-line about it yet, and I'm a bit fuzzy on applying
what I have found to the Far Future. So... anyone have any thoughts, ideas,
references, et multae ceterae?

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