From: Richard Aiken <>
To: tml <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [TML] HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 11:25 PM, Cheng Tseng <> wrote:
"Had been a fleet of relatively large tankers available to move oil from the Venezuela fields (brought into production in 1922) to Californian ports (and thus fill demand relatively cheaply), would those Texans still have invested in such wildcat drilling?"
Probably, because you still had to build and run the tankers, which would not necessarily been cheaper than shipping the oil by rail  - the usual method before Big Mistake 2.  Another thing is whether the ports in Venezuela of the time could have handled large tankers - the tankers used in the Curacao run were specially built with shallow drafts, which led to problems replacing the ones that got sunk by U-Boats during WW2.
The late David Brown pointed out that another thing about the drop in naval construction during the interwar period were the subcontractors that manufactured the various components shrank as much, if not more, than the shipyards handling naval construction.  Much of those contractors could not have been repurposed for producing components for, say, tanker, and still be much use for naval construction.

ISTR that the Brits required merchant ships built between the wars to have bolt holes pre-drilled to accept (and decks reinforced to withstand the recoil forces of) the mounting of deck guns, in the event of hostilities.

So - had the British government been sneaky and foresighted enough - they could have ordered "tankers" which were actually unarmed (but armored) capital ships built to support the carraige of oil between Venezuela and the western U.S. The commerce would have at least defraying the operating costs . . . and the existence of several extra "not-quite-battewagons" might have given Hitler pause.
Richard Aiken


I have a feeling that the various govs (even Japan before the 'old' emperor died), really, really wanted this disarmament scheme to work & never, ever would've considered such a ploy.
