I'm not sure I said thank you, but many thanks - will open and look tomorrow - now I must sleep!


On 28 May 2018 at 06:40, Jim Vassilakos <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Here's a link to the scanned & bookmarked versions of Guildsman #4, #5 and #6:


Also included are two copies of the Harrison Chapters (pdf & epub). They were put together by J. Sanders, who somehow tracked down all the publicly available material and gathered it together under one cover. I was thinking about doing something like this years ago (decades, actually), but in my infinite sloth, I never got around to it. Hence, I'm really quite honored and grateful that someone did all this work, and I'm especially surprised that they did such an excellent job! Not only is the whole novel there, but there's even a bunch of supplementary material that I'd forgotten about.

As for the chapters themselves, this was my first effort at writing a novel. I'd never taken a writing class or even cracked a book on the craft of authorship. Therefore, as one might expect, I made one rookie mistake after another. Yet despite the novel's many flaws, there's such a strong desire for Traveller-related fiction that it's managed to find a small audience. In any case, if you have any comments or questions about it, you know where to reach me.

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