Greetings all,

I thought I'd mention it here first as you've graciously put up with me mentioning Ashfall across the years (both here and in the pages of Freelance Traveller) without any access to it.  After a long long wait it's finally been published so I hope you find it of interest:

It's the first in a planned trilogy with Darrian scientists on the volcanic world of Spume.  Here they're getting on with the research, encountering the Special Arm, and surviving on the surface of a hostile planet.  We've had great fun with it at TravCon over the years and I've reported on it here (with pics):
and for its props under "Postcards" and "Equipment cards" here:

and a mention of the sequels II here:
under "Soon it was off...", "At 5.30pm..." and "To wrap this up..."
