My computer may speak Vilani soon... Jeff Zeitlin 12 Jun 2019 23:02 UTC

... but I could use some help from the linguistically inclined.

I have all the documents from the URLs that I recently requested. One of
them carries the filename of 'Vilani_phonics.doc' and describes how Vilani
is pronounced, though that guide as given specifically calls out that
you'll have a Terran/Anglic accent (and I suspect that it will be a General
American accent).

I took that document, and worked with it and Wikipedia's entry on the
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).  Unfortunately, my email client
doesn't do Unicode very well, so I'm having to work with X-SAMPA for this

Below is what I've come up with for converting Vilani-written-with-Anglic
into IPA/X-SAMPA; I've also included the standard descriptive name of the
sound from IPA. I'd appreciate it if the linguistically inclined could
cross-check my work and comment. (Note that X-SAMPA is case-sensitive!)

Anglic        X-SAMPA        Description
------        -------        -----------
a             A              UNROUNDED OPEN BACK VOWEL
e             E              UNROUNDED OPEN-MID FRONT VOWEL
i             I              UNROUNDED NEAR-CLOSE FRONT VOWEL
u             U              ROUNDED NEAR-CLOSE CENTRAL VOWEL
aa            {              UNROUNDED NEAR-OPEN FRONT VOWEL
ii            i              UNROUNDED CLOSE FRONT VOWEL
uu            u              ROUNDED CLOSE BACK VOWEL

b             B              VOICED BILABIAL FRICATIVE
d             d              VOICED ALVEOLAR PLOSIVE
g             g              VOICED VELAR PLOSIVE
k             k              VOICELESS VELAR PLOSIVE
kh            x              VOICELESS VELAR FRICATIVE
                               (Note: may be X VOICELESS UVULAR FRICATIVE)
l             l              ALVEOLAR LATERAL APPROXIMANT
m             m              BILABIAL NASAL
n             n              ALVEOLAR NASAL
p             p              VOICELESS BILABIAL PLOSIVE
r                              I wasn't sure with this one. It is
                               definitely not r\ ALVEOLAR APPROXIMANT; it
                               could be either r ALVEOLAR TRILL or r`
                               RETROFLEX FLAP.
s             s              VOICELESS ALVEOLAR FRICATIVE
                               (Note: May be s\ VOICELESS ALVEOLO-PALATAL
z             z              VOICED ALVEOLAR FRICATIVE

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