Re: [TML] The obligatory 'Oh, it's all gone quiet over there' thread Freelance Traveller (29 Jan 2015 23:08 UTC)

Re: [TML] The obligatory 'Oh, it's all gone quiet over there' thread Freelance Traveller 29 Jan 2015 23:08 UTC

On Thu, 29 Jan 2015 22:41:04 +0000, Timothy Collinson
<> wrote:

>Bjork 's Serrano and Vatta series for good small ship stuff.

Serrano and Vatta are both by Elizabeth Moon. I haven't read Serrano,
but I heartily second Vatta.

The Liaden Universe (it's multiple braided series) by Sharon Lee and
Steve Miller.

The Republic of Cinnabar Navy series (a.k.a. Leary/Mundy or Daniel Leary
series) by David Drake.

The Hammer's Slammers stories, also by David Drake.

Note that most of the recommendations aren't, strictly speaking,
"Traveller-related"; the construction I would use is 'Traveller-esque'.
Note that different books will be Traveller-esque in different ways.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
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