Question about the LBB Double Adventures Jeff Zeitlin (26 Nov 2023 22:32 UTC)
Re: [TML] Question about the LBB Double Adventures James Catchpole (26 Nov 2023 22:52 UTC)
Re: [TML] Question about the LBB Double Adventures Ethan McKinney (27 Nov 2023 02:38 UTC)
Re: [TML] Question about the LBB Double Adventures greg caires (26 Nov 2023 23:10 UTC)

Question about the LBB Double Adventures Jeff Zeitlin 26 Nov 2023 22:32 UTC

For those who have the actual physical paper volumes, rather than just the
PDFs from DTRPG or the FFE CDs...

Were the Double Adventures formatted as back-to-back-inverted, like the old
Ace Doubles SF, or were they formatted as a 'single volume' with the two
adventures as separate sections? If the latter, how did the cover indicate
the two titles? (I assume that, if the former, each side had its own
"front" cover that made it look like a separate volume, much like the PDFs
ended up.)

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