Call for artists (including AI art generator skilled users) Jeff Zeitlin (31 Mar 2024 18:49 UTC)

Call for artists (including AI art generator skilled users) Jeff Zeitlin 31 Mar 2024 18:49 UTC

For the May/June issue, there will be a Chamax-related featured article;
because of this, I'd like a front cover with a picture of a Chamax. There's
a good WHKeith drawing of a Chamax _hunter_ in Double Adventure 5; I would
very much like it if someone could turn it into a "photo" of a Chamax
hunter, perhaps on open plains. Remember that I like to target 8.5 by 11.7,
with some trimmable margins. When I've tried using the Keith image as a
starting point, NightCafé insists on giving it a real animal face, and
won't generate a background.

Help, please?

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