Another Qurestion Leslie Bates (23 Jun 2015 02:30 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Kurt Feltenberger (23 Jun 2015 02:39 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Grimmund (23 Jun 2015 15:44 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Ethan McKinney (23 Jun 2015 18:12 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Greg Chalik (23 Jun 2015 04:08 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Jeffrey Schwartz (23 Jun 2015 15:17 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Phil Pugliese (23 Jun 2015 11:26 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Greg Chalik (23 Jun 2015 11:50 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Leslie Bates (23 Jun 2015 14:18 UTC)
Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Phil Pugliese (23 Jun 2015 14:49 UTC)

Re: [TML] Another Qurestion Grimmund 23 Jun 2015 15:44 UTC

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:38 PM, Kurt Feltenberger <> wrote:

> Assuming the weapons in question are the US M-14 rifle and the HK MP-5, then
> I'd make one suggestion...find something other than a short range weapon for
> them.  The M-14 was designed back when we expected to engage the enemy over
> an open field at 500+ meters, while the MP-5 is good to perhaps 50-75
> meters.

The FAL has the advantage of more ammo, and is capable of launching
rifle grenades, which means you can get rid of the genadiers, or
simply issue them a bloop gunIN ADDTION TO a rifle.

(and then EVERYBODY gets issued rifle grenades.....)

My personal opnion is that issuing a bloop gun *instead* of a rifle is
silly and short sighted.  Once the grenadiers are killed, some rifle
grunt will snag up the M79 and ammo.  Likewise, the first thing the
grenadier will do is snag a rifle and ammo off a casualty.

Now, if you go ahead and mount an M203 on a couple of your FALs, you're all set.

I will jump on the other bandwagon, and point out that giving your
grunts 800m of reach and your leadership only 80m of reach will limit
the combat effectiveness of leaders and specialists, and mark them out
for special attention from snipers, etc.

Everybody but the medic gets a rifle,  unless they are a remf.

Choice of rifle seems to signal an intent to engage the opposition at
500-800 meters. Unless a particular mission CALLS FOR an MP-5 (or
similar) they are not terribly useful if you are planning to engage at
500-800 meters.

(Now, if you are planning on urban enagements, other short range
terrain, or inside a building, a short barrelled bullet hose may be a
fine tool to have, but in that case, you will probably want LOTS of
them, not just leadership.  Check with the armorer and draw MP5s in
addition to or instead of rifles.)

If you are arming leadership so they can shoot troops that disobey,
you probably want to go with a pistol to minimize collateral damage.



"Any sufficiently advanced parody is indistinguishable from a genuine
kook." -Alan Morgan